The smartest way to manage and protect your non-financial assets.

78% of the world’s assets are outside the financial sector.  Real estate, infrastructure, equipment, machinery and much more are physical assets and no one wants to lose these non-financial assets in case of an unforeseen event.

Together with investors from the insurance sector provides Picsure a global asset management platform with integrated claims handling for and with connected insurance partners.

One intelligent platform for your non-financial assets

Our image-based asset management with integrated claims handling is the perfect fit for next-generation insurance solutions.

Asset Management Platform

Build and manage your tailored asset portfolios over Picsure’s global asset management platform. Get coverage and protection easily by taking images of your non-financial assets and answering a small survey based on connected insurance solutions in following areas:

Real estate, infrastructure, farmlands, motor, marines, aircrafts, transportation, equipment, machinery and many more.

Claims Handling Platform

Claims management that is as simple and smart as asset management. Start the claims process easily by taking some pictures of the damage in the FNOL (First Notification Of Loss) and answering some questions in a short questionnaire on our mobile app solutions.

Combined with our automatic data enhancement via deeply trained machine learning models, Picsure accelerates the entire claims process of your non-financial asset portfolio.



Technology Partners:

All logos are the property of their respective owners.

Picsure GmbH
Heidenkampsweg 58
20097 Hamburg

Call, SMS or WhatsApp: +49 176 73 229 112

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